Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Louise Tahiraj

· TI will be doing a group colaboration with local Brisbane artist Louise Tahiraj, she is a lovely lady who has a particular interest in working with short films

here is a list of things to consider for my design process in relation to Louise's work.

bodies relationship to technology
Exploration of multiple identities/personal
Autobiographical practice
Combination of digital and analogue processes

Drawing, collage, performance, video as means to explore self representation

Playful, intuitive process of making – let the materials and my body shape the forms/outcomes

Sub/pop-cultural influence on make up of identity and in turn what is created

Inclusion of my own body/ Contemporary self-portraiture

it is important to consider these elements when designing my garment in co-ordination with the brief, there is a lot more to consider with this project other than my concept so i must be confident with what i source as inspiration. during my first meeting with louise i was most inspired by the colour palette within her work (blue, black and white) and the transparencies and use of overlays to give the images more creative depth. these are things i will keep a look out for when sourcing my garments for alteration.

still shots from Louise's work

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